Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Forest Falls Excursion

So, this is my first post to this lovely blog. I want to thank everyone for making feel welcome to the club, since I'm new and all. I also want to give a big thanks to Laura for driving my car AND letting me borrow her camera. It just so happened that I forgot my memory card to my camera, so I was essentially camera-less.

If you couldn't tell, I love to take pictures of things up close. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's called macro or something like that. I also love nature photography, but I'd love to branch out and try new stuff as well.

Hungover In The Snow: Forest Falls

Not by best work, but hey, at least I tried. Unlike some people. People who volunteer to drive but then flake. People named Jessica. And so on.

From Forest Falls (ish)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Grummer en Francais: Winter & Cold

As you can probably tell, this is not real snow, but I can assure you it was very cold when I took this picture, and seeing these trees made it feel even colder. I took this outside of a pub in Colmar, Alsace.
Here's a rather bare tree I found in Colmar, Alsace, which really gave me a cold feeling. For those of you who are confused when I say "Alsace", it is a region of eastern France that is essentially German because it has been rocked so many times by Germany in the days before peace. There are some pretty neat German castles, one of which is still in almost perfect condition, and it is somewhat of a wine country, with primarily while wine vineyards all over the region.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Playing with Exposure

I like all of these for what they do differently. The plant is interesting and the exposures go from artsy to representational.

The purple idea was Sam's. :-)

Late Arrival: Purple

I had a bit of a rough time with the "purple" theme... I did manage to find a purple house in Colmar, a little town north of Strasbourg, but it was in kind of an awkward location and the lighting was lousy so I decided to go with this bus instead. Who thought of this "purple" theme anyway-- Jessica? :-P

Grummer's Mom: Light, Shadows, & Cold

My mom checked out our blog and noticed the theme of "Light & Shadows", so she took this photo of the snow on the back patio of our house in Seattle. Little did she know that the next theme would be "Winter & Cold", so she basically showed us all up and hit a two-for-one.

Yep..... my mom is out-doing me at my own game. I'll have to flood the blog with new posts now in an effort to hide this little detail ;-)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Well, I found something purple. :-)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Grummer en Francais: Last Light & Shadows

Okay this is my last submission for this theme. I think the light and shadows are pretty obvious here. I took this picture in the Pantheon in Paris, with my flash sitting in front of the statues with a diffuser. Right after I took the picture a security guard shoutted at me from across the room... "Monsieur! Il est interdit!" and he came running over to explain to me that you are not allowed to take pictures with a flash or a tripod, even though there were no such signs posted.
It looks like Annika and I are the only ones rocking this theme, which is pretty sad seeing as how I'm thousands of miles away. Where the rest of you at?
P.S. Jessica is short and has a tendency to do embarrassing things when drunk. That is all.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Grummer en Francais: Light & Shadows

You're going to have to give me a little bit of creative slack on this one... This is a picture I took today here in Strasbourg of the old prison on the river, and the "light" is obvious but for the "shadows" I was thinking of the memories of all the prisoners who were held in those cells and all that's left of them is shadows... like I said-- you can roll with me on it or not, c'est la vie.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Annika's Light and Shadow

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Grummer en Francais: Light & Shadows

While in Brugge, Belgium, I snapped this photo of my friends (in the top left of the frame). It was very cold but it's a very interesting city, with a very distinct design theme.