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- Concept: Hiding emotions.
- Message: People in general often supress their emotions, even from themselves.
- Audience: Anyone
- Emotional Connector: The face of the young woman is a clear focal point, with most of the lines of the picture pointing towards it.
- Creative composition: The way she is turning away from the mirror suggests that she doesn't want to see herself in the mirror. Likewise, we can't see her face in the reflection either. However, we can still see the real side, as if we've been given a small glimpse at the reality of her emotion.
- Dynamic Artistry: The mask hanging on the doorknob suggests that it's something that she doesn't want to forget before she leaves. A post-it-note addressed to herself.
- Story telling quality: It appears as if she's getting ready to go out, as her makeup isn't entirely done. Her eyes were the only things finished, but her eye liner is now running down her face. The way that she's not looking directly at the camera makes it seem as though the viewer is in the room with her, and that she's too embarassed to look directly at them.

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