We're having our first meeting this Thursday, September 4
th at 4:30 PM on the second floor of the
Hunsaker building. I wanted to attach a photo of the building for any new students who aren't sure where it is, but upon searching through my library of thousands of photos I have taken of the campus, I realized it is one of the few buildings I haven't photographed-- because it's just ugly. Maybe that will be one of our photo themes: to make ugly things look good. Meanwhile, you will have to figure it out from this ambiguous photo I took of the walkway when it snowed two years ago.
You may want to bring a pen but you don't need to bring your camera unless you're like me and just can't go anywhere without it. If you can't make it to the meeting be sure to e-mail me if you're still interested in joining the club because I will be deleting everyone from the roster who doesn't show up! See you Thursday!
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