Monday, December 10, 2007

Later hommies, I'm going to France!

It's been a great semester for the club and I really enjoyed working with all of you. I wish we could have had more time for all of you to share your unique skills, but hopefully you will all be back next year and we'll have even more to talk about.
I intend to take a ridiculous number of photos in France and all of the other countries I visit in Europe, many of which you will see here or on my facebook. I'm also looking forward to see the photos all of you take while I'm away!

P.S. Please treat Jessica with the utmost disrespect so she can feel like I'm still there.


lizn said...

Aww sadness :(. Will you be around for mayterm?

SamBausBout said...

Tight shot, it had me puzzled for a while. Great job in PS. Have a great time in France!

ed said...

Check out the Henri Cartier Bresson exhibition studio. I don't know the address.

Great light at dawn and dusk.

Have fun.

Anni's Dad

Annika F. said...

yea, that ed is my dad, not edward...

Grummer said...

Liz-- Yes, I will be back for May!

Sam-- Thanks, I didn't expect too many people to believe such a low-flying plane in downtown Paris :-P

Ed-- Thanks for the advice! I'll add it to my list.

Annika-- phew!