A lot of people seem to be having trouble with the textured lighting theme, so here's a quick explanation by example:

This picture of Katya in a tree is a mix of textured lighting and lighted texture because the plants around her are creating shadows on her (textured lighting), but the plants themselves are in the picture, so we can see the light falling on the leaves (lighted texture), and thus the viewer knows exactly what is making those shadows.
The above photo of Angelico does not use textured lighting. The lights I put on him do not have anything on them and there is nothing between them and the subject. This is an example of what we talked about last week, about lighting textures. In this example, the light is setup to outline the simple lines of his figure against the environment.
Finally, the example above with Angelico in the tree is a classic example of textured lighting. The flash was positioned behind a tree, and we setup a branch full of leaves in between the flash and Angelico. As a result, you can clearly see the various shadows of leaves and branches cast over Angelico, which gives interest to an otherwise boring photo (unless you were already sold by the fact that he's got a sword).