I overdosed on winter in Montana, taking in more snow and rural landscapes than I ever imagined. The photo to the left is a long exposure I took at night of my friend's house I was staying in. You can see every star out there, and they are up high enough that you can see the weather coming for miles.
My friends and I went skiing and we had the entire mountain to ourselves-- never had to wait in a lift line or worry about running into someone on a trail. I really regretted not bringing my camera up on the slopes, but I wasn't sure if I would eat snow and wind up smashing it to pieces.
Of course, it was not all wonderful-- the cold was brutal, dipping down to -4*F at night and hovering around 8*F during the day. Within minutes of going outside your face stings and your hands are numb. When I came in from shooting, my camera would fog up from the heat of the house. Both of the LCD screens and the lens would completely fog up, which worried me a little at first, until I rememberd that Canon cameras are tough as Carey French.
I hope you're all having an excellent holiday break, now I have to get back to packing!